What’s happening in September/October:

  • Monday, Sept 20th thru Oct 8th – Terry Fox walk/Run activities        
  • Friday, Sept 30th- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day
  • Friday, Sept. 30th Data Verification Forms Due at the office
  • Wednesday,  Oct 6th- International Walk to School Day
  • Monday, Oct 11th – Thanksgiving Day (no school )


Please ensure that you call or email the attendance line to inform us of your child’s absence. 

Attendance Email: shl-attendance@wrdsb.ca or Attendance Line: 519-744-4430 ext 1



Another great year for Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope.  Schools will celebrate by taking part in classroom/individual activities. Terry showed us all that anything is possible if you try. He reminded us all that we can make a difference in the world and change people’s lives for the better.  

This year we will either be collecting money at the school or we would invite you to donate directly to the Terry Fox Fund at: http://www.terryfox.ca/SandhillsPSKitchener 



Just a friendly reminder to please return your Student Data Verification and Off Campus Walking forms to the office by Friday September 30.  As well, ensure that you have completed these forms – the Concussion Code of Conduct, Release of Student Information and Responsible Use Procedure Forms which are all available on School-Day and can be signed electronically on School Day under the Events tab. 



On October 6th students, families and staff are encouraged to join schools across the country in celebrating International Walk to School Day (IWALK/IWHEEL), a day that celebrates all forms of active transportation including walking, cycling, scootering or travelling using a mobility device. We encourage you to be active with your child as they come to school and be part of the fun! If you’re on your way somewhere else and plan on driving to your next destination, consider walking and taking transit, or park/drop your child off at one of our ‘Drive to 5’ locations to walk the rest of the way. If you’re not able to join, encourage your child to walk with a friend!

Did you know October is also International Walk to School Month? If you’re feeling up to the challenge, consider celebrating active transportation all month long. Sandhills P.S has been registered for the Canadian Cancer Society’s ‘On Your Feet Challenge’. Your family can be registered at onyourfeetchallenge.ca to keep track of the active transportation kilometers you make. The ‘On Your Feet Challenge’ runs from October 11-29, with a registration deadline of October 11th. Our school goal is 6000 kms so we need your support! 


As part of our new COVID-19 protocols, students and families are encouraged to dress appropriately for the weather (for temperature and precipitation) as students will be spending a portion of their day outside.  There will be no Rain Bell to allow early entry into the school unless we are experiencing extreme thunderstorms and lightning.  Please check the weather before leaving the house.  Just a reminder that our parking lot is always CLOSED at the start and end of every school day, including inclement weather days.   Please do not arrive prior to 8:25am on inclement weather days so that we can continue to adhere to our new social distancing protocols.  Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated.


For those who are picking students up on school property, we ask that you do not come onto the tarmac area. Once on the tarmac, students should make their way to their class line up area independently or with a classmate only. Staying on the field or wood chip area will allow teachers to welcome/dismiss students, especially our youngest learners, in a safe and less congested manner. We also want to remind families that students are not to be filmed/video recorded entering the school.


We are pleased to announce that starting Monday, our students in grades 1 to 6 will be going outside for one of the nutrition breaks. As a staff, we feel that students are now settled and familiar with the Health and Safety protocols that we can begin to move outside. Staff have reviewed with students that they must stay in their cohort and in their designated area. While in their unique area, students may, if they are comfortable, remove their masks. Students will still continue to have an additional period outside at some point during the instructional day.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your child’s educator.


Parents and Caregivers, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support as we work to navigate this difficult time. Our educators are working hard to ensure that your child(ren) remains safe and receives an outstanding education. We want to remind everyone that if you ever have any questions or concerns, to reach out to your child(ren)’s educator(s). 

Thank you

The Office Staff

Categories: The Scoop