What’s happening in November/December:

  • Friday November 19th- PD Day (No school for students)
  • November 25th – School Council Meeting at 7pm
  • November 28th – Spirit Wear orders due 


Please ensure that you call or email the attendance line to inform us of your child’s absence. 

Attendance Email: shl-attendance@wrdsb.ca or Attendance Line: 519-744-4430 ext 1



We are a WALKING SCHOOL. This means there is to be no vehicle traffic on school property at the beginning and end of each school day. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this as it ensures the safety of our students. If you need more information on where the various walking paths are, and/or the designated areas for parking on neighbouring side streets, connect with other Sandhills families or read this pamphlet. We kindly ask that when parking on side streets you are mindful of where you are parking and that you do not block driveways. Adhering to this fosters positive relationships with members of our community.

It is very important that you do not move the pylons and come into the parking lot. Staff, vehicles with a Handicap parking pass, or permission has been given via the office are the only vehicles permitted in the parking lot.  We have limited spots for staff and student safety is our number one priority. Cars coming in and out of the parking lot puts our students’ safety at risk. Finally please do not use the bus loop either for drop off or pick up. We have multiple student transportation vehicles arriving at different times which need to use this area.



It has also come to our attention that some parents are using the bus lane at St. Dominic’s school to wait for the children to walk down to them after school.  We kindly ask that you DO NOT do this.  Again this is a safety concern for St. Dominic’s school and their students. Please ask about our Drive to 5 spots where you can park and have your children walk to you instead of using other schools’ lots. Drive to 5



On days when buses are cancelled as a result of severe weather, schools will also be closed and students will engage in a Weather Impacted Remote Learning Day. Extended Day Programs, Child Care Centres located in our schools, and our Education Centre will also be closed.



Have you ever thought about being a school bus driver?

Do you like children and care about their safety? If yes, we need you!

The Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region (STSWR) is actively looking to hire up to 20 school bus drivers in the region. Positions are part-time and perfect for stay-at-home parents, retirees, people new to the region, shift workers and post-secondary students. Training is provided and no previous experience is required.  To learn more about what it means to be a school bus driver, see recent article in The Record or visit the STSWR website https://www.stswr.ca


With the winter months upon us we ask that you please take the time to label coats, hats, mitts, boots and any other items students bring with them.  It makes returning items to them much easier when they are found.



We would like to welcome a few new educators to our school. Please join us in welcoming Kristy Rinzema who will be joining K5 as the afternoon designated early childhood educator, Jack Cui who will be taking over in class 4/5B for Mr. Wilkinson and Katie Dechert who will be the new teacher in 3A-FI and 3/4B-FI.  


CONNECT with your Child(ren)’s EDUCATOR(s)

We know that due to the continued Health and Safety protocols that educators are still not able to meet with you in person to discuss your child(ren)’s progress. Please don’t let this deter you from reaching out to them via an email, phone call or even a Google Meet. We highly value the home-school partnership.

Categories: The Scoop