What’s happening in November:

  • Sunday November 7th – Daylight saving time, clocks go back
  • Thursday November 11th – Remembrance Day
  • Monday November 15th -Progress reports go home
  • Friday November 19th -PD DAY No school for student

Please ensure that you call or email the attendance line to inform us of your child’s absence. Attendance Email: shl-attendance@wrdsb.ca or Attendance Line 519-744-4430 ext 1


Every year, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we gather to stand in honour of all who have fallen.  Together, we observe a moment of silence to mark the sacrifice of the many who have fallen in the service of their country, and to acknowledge the courage of those who still serve.

Sandhills is pleased to announce that a live stream of our Remembrance day celebration will be available for all our families who wish to take part in it.  Here is the link for the live stream: 



We would like to share with our community that Vanessa Taylor will be the new educator in 1/2A who is taking over for Hafsa Bemat while she is on Maternity leave.  

Mrs. Bible-Minnielly will be leaving us Nov. 8th to have her baby and Christine Heisler will be the new educator in 1C while she is away.


With the winter weather upon us, we acknowledge that it takes extra time in the morning to get your student(s) dressed for school with the appropriate clothing and get them to school. We want to extend our sincere thank you to parents for this extra effort in adjusting your schedule to allow extra time in the morning to ensure students arrive on time for the start of school at 8:35 am.  


As we enter into the month of November and soon December, please remember that the weather is changing!  Please send your child(ren) with boots, mitts and hats.  It is always a good idea to send an extra set of clothes for the younger ones as our fields can get muddy at times and having extra clothes at school makes it easier and also helps keep everyone warmer during outside play and learning.


This month our focus shifts to KINDNESS as we work on showing KINDNESS to ourselves so we are better able to show KINDNESS to others.  Every day can be a random act of kindness! Kindness is an easy skill to understand and make a part of our daily lives. 

Doing good is not only beneficial for the person on the receiving end and those who witness the kind action, but also for the givers of kindness. When we are kind and intentionally perform acts of kindness, we get a boost in our own wellbeing and happiness. It feels good to help others and it helps us focus on the positive things in our lives. It’s win-win!


We are pleased to announce that Picture day is coming to Sandhills in the new year on January 11th.  Look for information to go home to our Sandhills families soon.

Label Clothing

With Covid, we still do not have a Lost and Found and are getting an abundance of hats, mittens and jackets sent to the office on a daily basis. These items have been left outside and if they were labeled we would be able to get these items back to their owners.  We do our best and take pictures and send these out daily on our announcements but the pile is getting very large as no one is claiming them.

We ask that you please label all your child(dren) items which would make it easier to get them back to their rightful owners.


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Re: Peanut butter substitutions  

    There are students and staff within our school that suffer from extreme allergies, and we need to ensure the safety of these individuals. The safety and health of our students and staff is our first priority, which is why our schools have procedures in place to minimize risk of anaphylaxis reactions in those who have this extreme allergy.

There is a substitute peanut butter product that is being marketed to consumers as a safe alternative for children to bring to schools in place of peanut butter. The Waterloo Region District School Board asks that parents refrain from including these products in your child’s lunches or snacks.

These products tend to look, taste, and smell very much like peanut butter. While the product is nut free, it mimics a known allergen that causes anaphylaxis in some children to the degree that it is indistinguishable from the allergen. It is a convincing substitute, opening up the possibility that it can be confused as peanut butter, or worse yet, peanut butter could be confused as this soy-based product.

 We sincerely appreciate your cooperation in avoiding the use of these products to assist in our continued efforts to create a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment for all students.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.


Nancy Murovec










Categories: The Scoop