What’s happening in October:


  • Monday, Oct 11th – Thanksgiving Day (no school )
  • Tuesday Oct 12th – Construction at front of school


 Please ensure that you call or email the attendance line to inform us of your child’s absence. Attendance Email: shl-attendance@wrdsb.ca or Attendance Line: 519-744-4430 ext 1



We would like to congratulate our Sandhills Suns on another very successful year of participation in the Terry Fox Run.  Our staff and students logged an incredible total of 5400km of walking, running or jogging and raised $1500 through online/cash donations in Terry’s honour! We are extremely grateful and proud.



There will be construction on Tuesday, October 12th at the front of our school to fix some broken concrete. We ask that you are aware and know that the parking lot will be more congested than normal.  Please ensure you are watching your children that morning around the parking lot, and use extra caution when approaching this area.



We would like to send out a friendly reminder that we are a nut free school.  Please do not send your child to school with any peanut products including Wow Butter or anything with traces of nuts.  We appreciate your continued cooperation.


Halloween is fast approaching and we thought it would be a good time to share with our families what that will look like at Sandhills for this year.  First, we would like to begin by stating that families are not obligated to participate or recognize Halloween in any way. For those students who wish to recognize this event they may wear the colours of BLACK and ORANGE, wear our school colours of BLUE and YELLOW to show off their School Spirit, or dress in a simple costume.  

Please remember the following guidelines: 

  • Students will not be permitted to change into or out of their costume during the school day if they choose to wear one. As a result, please refrain from wearing anything large or bulky that may not be suitable for a whole day of learning inside the classroom or outside on the school yard. 
  • According to COVID Health and Safety guidelines, educators are not permitted to assist students with their costumes, including dressing, undressing, adjusting or altering.
  • A face covering must be worn for COVID Health and Safety protocols and therefore please avoid make up that can dirty the face covering. 
  • Please leave all costume accessories at home (i.e. wands, tiaras, hats, ears, masks etc). 
  • Please dress in a respectful manner that is free from cultural appropriation, violent or frightening themes. 
  • Like ALL days please do not send treats or snacks to distribute to others.   

Thank you for your cooperation as we try to make this day go without too much disruption and respect the decision of those who choose not to participate in these activities.


If you have already completed the forms on School-Day for Student Media Release Consent, Responsible Use Procedure, and Concussion Code of Conduct, THANK YOU and you can disregard this message!

If you have not, please follow these instructions to complete ASAP:

  • Log into School-Day
  • Click on the “Upcoming Events” tab at top of your screen
  • Click on first item, “Student Media Release Consent”
  • Click on the green arrow beside “<Student name> needs a permission form signed.”
  • Click on blue “I agree” box
  • You will see a box “All Right! You have indicated that <student name> will attend Student Media Release Consent”
  • Click Blue “OK” box
  • Click on the word “Events” either at the top or in the left margin to return to the Events menu (note that the first item now has a green check mark indicating permission has been given)
  • Follow the same steps as above for “Responsible Use Procedure” and “Concussion Code of Conduct

If you need any technical support or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (519)744-4430 ext. 3.

Thank you!


As part of our new COVID-19 protocols, students and families are encouraged to dress appropriately for the weather (for temperature and precipitation) as students will be spending a portion of their day outside.  There will be no Rain Bell to allow early entry into the school unless we are experiencing extreme thunderstorms and lightning.  Please check the weather before leaving the house.  Just a reminder that our parking lot is always CLOSED at the start and end of every school day, including inclement weather days.   Please do not arrive prior to 8:25am on inclement weather days so that we can continue to adhere to our new social distancing protocols.  Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated.


We would like to say a sincere Thank You to all of our families and students for making Sandhills School such an amazing place to be!  We have a lot to be thankful for this year!  

We are grateful to all our students, families and staff for making our transition back to school such a smooth one. Whether it is in class or online, everyone is doing a fantastic job of adhering to our new health protocols and new routines.  Thank you for embracing everything with incredible grace and resiliency as we continue to navigate through this year together! 

We would also like to extend a huge thank you to all our families for adjusting to our new arrival and dismissal routines.  Thank you for using our Drive to 5 locations at drop-off and pick-up and for keeping our parking lot clear of traffic and safe for students and staff. 


We would like to share with our community that Kyla Henderson has been the afternoon educator in 3C with Joe Heer for a few weeks already and will continue for another few weeks. Hafsa Bemat, the educator of class 1/2A, will be leaving shortly to go on maternity leave. Next week will be her final week at Sandhills. Once we have hired for her position we will post this on School Day to her class. We have also hired Kayla Vuksic as the new educator for the English half of  3A-FI and 3/4B-FI as  Brigitte Kralt secured a contract position at a different school. Students in K2 have Jelena Krsmanovic substituting for Mila Raghunandan for a few weeks, and we are currently looking to hire someone in K1 while Erin Ryan is off. Sandhills is fortunate to have these wonderful educators join our staff even if for only a few weeks.


Categories: The Scoop