A Note from Your Principal & Vice Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are just past the halfway point of the school year with approximately 120 instructional days completed. As you know, regular attendance has a significant impact on student learning, engagement and ultimately on student achievement. A recent media report highlighted the negative impact on learning when students miss 10 per cent or more of the school year, equal to just two absences per month or absences that accumulate through extended periods such as a prolonged vacation.

All of us at Sandhills PS want to see your child learn, engage, succeed and achieve their maximum potential. Since every school day is packed with valuable learning from start to finish, it’s essential that students attend each day, arrive on time and remain until the end of the learning day. We know from our experience as teachers and educators and from research that disruption in learning has a significant negative impact over the long term on student achievement.

We also know there is a correlation between student absenteeism and students who do not reach board targets in reading, particularly in the early grades (Kindergarten to Grade 3). If a child misses 20 days each year from K-grade 8, they will have missed an equivalent of an entire school year. This lost time is very difficult, if not impossible, to make up.

Here are our most recent attendance statistics. Keep in mind, at this point in the year, more than ten absences equates to missing ten percent of the school year (or more).

Of our 686 students:

-168 students (24%) have missed 10.5 to 15 instructional days this year

-111 students (16%) have missed 15.5 to 20 instructional days this year

-118 students (17%) have missed more than 20 instructional days this year

This puts 397 of our 686 students (57%) at risk for lost learning time at this point in the year. There is a correlation between student absenteeism and students who do not make school board targets in Reading, particularly in the early grades (Kindergarten to Grade 3).

So what can you do? We want to work with you to ensure your child’s success.

· Make sure your child attends school every day.

· Make sure your child arrives on time and remains until the end of the day so they do not miss out on any learning.

· To the extent possible, schedule appointments for before or after school, or on weekends.

· Schedule your vacations during the school calendar year (Seasonal break in December and March Break).

· Reinforce with your child that being punctual and attending school every day increases their chances for success.

· Be a good role model for your child when it comes to attendance and punctuality.

Please look at your child’s attendance from the first term report card that was sent home a few weeks ago. We encourage you to have a discussion with your child about this important issue, a trait that will benefit them throughout their life. Please help us by making a concerted effort to have your child at school and on time for the entire day.

We thank you in advance for your continued support of our school. If you would like to discuss this matter further, please contact us at school.


Nancy Murovec / Tom Ernst

Principal / Vice Principal

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