EXTENDED: Our Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is looking for new members

We have extended the deadline for applications to Tuesday, April 30, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. Our Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is looking for new members. They invite parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in one of our schools to apply. The fundamental fact is that parents + engagement = student success. Your involvement with PIC can help us optimize […]

A Message from our School Council…….

March 2019

Dear Community Member,

Sandhills Public School has done many fundraising events in the past to help offset the costs of supporting school programs and materials such as our greening initiative, outdoor learning space, and kindergarten play area, just to name a few.

On Thursday, June 20th 2019 we will be hosting our Sandhills Fun Fair from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. We hope to make the fun fair a great success thanks to the generosity of companies like yours.

This year we will be having a raffle, selling food, and hosting many other activities to raise funds. If you are able to donate items or services to our raffle, or food to be sold, you will be helping us to raise the funds needed to support our school programs. If you would like to support us in another way, you could sponsor an attraction in part or in full. Last year a small business sponsored our petting zoo and made it a free attraction for attendees.

In return for your kind donation, you and/or your business will benefit from advertising at our fun fair. This will ensure our community is aware of your support and would generate goodwill for your business by having publicly supported our school fundraising event.

Any form of support either by donation, services or sponsorship of any dollar amount from your business would be greatly appreciated to help us reach our fundraising goals.

We hope to make this event not only a successful fundraiser but also an affordable, fun, family night out for our community members. We look forward to hearing from you. If you’re able to attend, please bring your family out for a fun evening of rides, raffles and games.

Thank you for making our community such a great place to live.


Kerri Paranosic

on behalf of the Sandhills Fun Fair fundraising committee

Email: kerri.para@gmail.com ; Phone: 519-577-1174

Read more about A Message from our School Council……. »

What’s the Scoop? 29th March 2019


Apr 2 – Autism Awareness Day

Apr 10 – School Council Meeting – 6.30 (Library)

Apr 12 – PD Day – No School

Apr 19 & 22 – Good Friday & Easter Monday – No School

Message from the Principal

It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to Madame Van Klink who leaves us on 1 April to start a new position. Saying goodbye also means we say ‘hello again’ to Ms. S. Lammert who will be joining us for a few weeks in 5F.  I am sure you will all join me in welcoming Ms. Lammert and wish Madame Van Klink best wishes in her new adventure.

Did You Know?

A recent media report highlighted the negative impact on learning when students miss 10% or more of the school year, equal to just two absences per month or absences that accumulate through extended periods such as a prolonged vacation.

Here are our most recent attendance statistics. Keep in mind, at this point in the year, more than ten absences equates to missing ten % of the school year (or more). Of our 686 students:

168 students (24%) have missed 10.5 to 15 instructional days this year
111 students (16%) have missed 15.5 to 20 instructional days this year
118 students (17%) have missed more than 20 instructional days this year
This puts 397 of our 686 students (57%) at risk for lost learning time at this point in the year. There is a correlation between student absenteeism and students who do not make school board targets in Reading, particularly in the early grades (Kindergarten to Grade 3).

So what can you do? We want to work with you to ensure your child’s success:

Make sure your child attends school every day.
Make sure your child arrives on time and remains until the end of the day so they do not miss out on any learning.
To the extent possible, schedule appointments for before or after school, or on weekends.
Schedule your vacations during the school calendar year (Seasonal break in December and March Break).
Reinforce with your child that being punctual and attending school every day increases their chances for success.
Be a good role model for your child when it comes to attendance and punctuality.

Umbrella Project

At our Spirit Assembly on Friday, 29th March we introduced Autonomy and Independence.

Excerpt from the Umbrella Project Website – Learn your Own Brain:

Teach your children to learn about their own brains and what makes them function at their best. For some, it might be more quiet through the day. For others, they need to move their bodies more to stay focused. In my house, one of my kids is particularly sensitive to low blood sugar and the other needs extra sleep to be in tip-top shape.

The more our kids know about their own unique brains, the more they will be able to take charge of their own success. This means they do not rely on others to create success for them.

It’s easy to expect that our children’s classrooms will be formatted for great learning. Too often, we rely on this to ensure our children are getting what they need from their education. In truth, it is extremely difficult for one teacher to attend to everyone’s unique needs. Autonomy is just the skill needed to help our children take more responsibility for their own learning.

Umbrella Project Autonomy

Website: Umbrella Project Parent Resources

Twitter: @umbrellapjct

Facebook: The Umbrella Project

Read more about What’s the Scoop? 29th March 2019 »

Get Your 2018-19 Yearbook

It’s that time again!!

It’s time to pre-order your 2018-2019 yearbook. 

The yearbook will feature photos of the many great activities that have happened at Sandhills this year. Remember them all with your own copy of the yearbook. 

The cost is $20 per book.  Books will be available in late June. Orders must be submitted by Friday, May 10th.

Log on to School-day now and reserve your copy!!

Read more about Get Your 2018-19 Yearbook »

Safe Caring Inclusive Schools Team Update – March, 2019

Dear Sandhills Public School Community,

Your Safe, Caring, Inclusive Schools (SCIS) Team is a collaborative group made up of staff, students, and community members that meets throughout the school year to discuss issues that are of utmost importance to our school, the safety and well being of Sandhills students. We gather and interpret many different sources of data and feedback to ensure we are doing all that we can to make the school a more inclusive and welcoming place for all, with the ultimate goal of helping each student achieve to their utmost potential. Because we realize that not everyone who wants to contribute to this work has the opportunity to take part and sit on this committee, we thought it would be beneficial to all to send an update as we move into spring.

The Sandhills community has changed a lot over nearly two decades, but our hopes, dreams, and values remain focused on academic achievement and the personal wellbeing of our students, each and every one. At the core of student success are strong relationships between home and school with open lines of communication back and forth to share information that will support student growth and development. It is clear in our work as an SCIS team that staff and parents have a strong desire to strengthen existing relationships, as well as develop new ones. So whether you’re new to the Sandhills community or have been part of it for many years, know that educators at the school are here to serve and work with you, so let’s all take advantage of opportunities to introduce ourselves, share stories, and celebrate the success and accomplishments of our students to strengthen these ties.

Students who attended Sandhills in its first few years of operation share many things in common with Suns of today. They want to feel safe, supported, and welcome in the building itself and by the community of people around them. These fundamentals must be in place before rich learning can happen. A very clear message from our SCIS student representatives is that they want and need strong relationships with adults they know and trust. This includes staff at the school and community members too. Students are eager to interact in positive and healthy ways and to have the affirmation that they are valued members of the community at large.

While today’s Suns do share things in common with students from years ago, there are undoubtedly new challenges and obstacles that have an impact on their safety and wellbeing. Perhaps the most obvious change in student life centres around social media. What can you do to help and support your student? Supervision of online interactions including social media sites and online gaming is needed. Also creating an atmosphere where students can speak openly and ask questions about what they see online is another healthy way to coach and help young people navigate their world. Often things that happen online do impact students wellbeing and interactions back at school, so doing all we can to support our students in the digital space, will only serve them better in the classroom as well.

Encourage your student to get involved with the life of our school. We know that deep personal connections and feelings of inclusion and safety often stem from shared experiences and connection. There is a wealth of opportunity for clubs, teams, and groups at Sandhills. So have a look at our school’s website (shl.wrdsb.ca) under ‘Extracurricular Activities’ to see if there’s an activity you might be interested in. Our website also has some useful resources under ‘Parent Information’ that might help you know more about our school. All staff at the school are continually expanding, looking to grow, and learn new things, persevering and doing all that they can to meet the needs of all students.

Thank you for all you already do to make our school and our community a more welcoming, and inclusive place. Please keep lines of communication flowing between home and school so that we can all better understand the needs of our students, and make positive changes to support them as new challenges arise. If you, or any other community member you know would like to take part in our SCIS work, or any other team, please never hesitate to reach out so that your voice will be included in these discussions. Our next meeting is currently scheduled for Monday, May 6th from 3-4pm in the school library, new parent and community representatives are always welcome.

Thank you, and best regards,

Your SCIS Team

Read more about Safe Caring Inclusive Schools Team Update – March, 2019 »

Register for our free family engagement series

The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) together with Waterloo Region Assembly of Public School Councils (WRAPSC) and Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) are hosting a series of free events for parents and caregivers. The theme for this year’s event is PARENT ENGAGEMENT: Lets Build Our Toolkit for Success. Registration for these events is required. Date: Wednesday, March […]

What’s the Scoop? 22 March 2019


Mar 26 – Kindergarten Grad Photos and Sibling Photos

Mar 27 – School Council Meeting 6:30 pm. All welcome

Mar 29 – Spirit Day – Future You!

Apr 12 – PD Day – No School

Apr 19 & 22 – Good Friday & Easter Monday – No School

Did You Know?

Did you know that we are officially into the Spring Season! Spring brings a fresh set of challenges for students in terms of outdoor play and clothing.

Early Spring can bring a mix of precipitation ranging from potential snow to rain. It can also be hot and humid. Average temperatures between March and June range from 8oC to 20oC.

As such, we advise that you keep an eye on the weather report and ensure your student is dressed appropriately. This could include rain/snow boots, splash pants, rain jacket, hat, and even sunscreen.

Staff and students are excited to welcome the Spring and warmer temperatures. Students are encouraged to listen to the announcements in the morning and follow the rules for outdoor play which potentially include:

Tarmac only recesses
Keep hands to yourself
Dress appropriately

Spirit Day

Our Spirit day next week is ‘Future You’. Students may dress or bring accessories to represent their future self. This could include an occupation that interests them. Spirit Day is not mandatory but students are encouraged to participate and join in the Fun!

Parent Engagement Meeting Dates




Parent Engagement: Let’s build our toolkit for Success. Please see attached flyer for meeting dates and times.

Parent Engagement Flyer

Umbrella Project

We are excited to share some great news! The Umbrella Project website has a fresh new look which was launched Friday, March 15th, 2019

It is hoped that the website update will make everyone’s ‘user experience’ easier. The update includes:

Easier navigation for parents and educators on the ‘Blog’ page. All content created will now be categorized by Umbrella Skill.
A new page for Parents with a free, downloadable Umbrella Parenting e-book. 
Here are Sandhills we are still focussing on Mindfulness and look forward to next week where we will be introducing Autonomy and Independence!!

Website: Umbrella Project Parent Resources

Twitter: @umbrellapjct

Facebook: The Umbrella Project

Parking Lot Attendant Needed

We are in need of a parking lot attendant. This is a paid position, and available to a community member who would like to have a positive impact on student safety. Please contact Mr. Ernst at the office for more details.

Read more about What’s the Scoop? 22 March 2019 »

A Note from Your Principal & Vice Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are just past the halfway point of the school year with approximately 120 instructional days completed. As you know, regular attendance has a significant impact on student learning, engagement and ultimately on student achievement. A recent media report highlighted the negative impact on learning when students miss 10 per cent or more of the school year, equal to just two absences per month or absences that accumulate through extended periods such as a prolonged vacation.

All of us at Sandhills PS want to see your child learn, engage, succeed and achieve their maximum potential. Since every school day is packed with valuable learning from start to finish, it’s essential that students attend each day, arrive on time and remain until the end of the learning day. We know from our experience as teachers and educators and from research that disruption in learning has a significant negative impact over the long term on student achievement.

We also know there is a correlation between student absenteeism and students who do not reach board targets in reading, particularly in the early grades (Kindergarten to Grade 3). If a child misses 20 days each year from K-grade 8, they will have missed an equivalent of an entire school year. This lost time is very difficult, if not impossible, to make up.

Here are our most recent attendance statistics. Keep in mind, at this point in the year, more than ten absences equates to missing ten percent of the school year (or more).

Of our 686 students:

-168 students (24%) have missed 10.5 to 15 instructional days this year

-111 students (16%) have missed 15.5 to 20 instructional days this year

-118 students (17%) have missed more than 20 instructional days this year

This puts 397 of our 686 students (57%) at risk for lost learning time at this point in the year. There is a correlation between student absenteeism and students who do not make school board targets in Reading, particularly in the early grades (Kindergarten to Grade 3).

So what can you do? We want to work with you to ensure your child’s success.

· Make sure your child attends school every day.

· Make sure your child arrives on time and remains until the end of the day so they do not miss out on any learning.

· To the extent possible, schedule appointments for before or after school, or on weekends.

· Schedule your vacations during the school calendar year (Seasonal break in December and March Break).

· Reinforce with your child that being punctual and attending school every day increases their chances for success.

· Be a good role model for your child when it comes to attendance and punctuality.

Please look at your child’s attendance from the first term report card that was sent home a few weeks ago. We encourage you to have a discussion with your child about this important issue, a trait that will benefit them throughout their life. Please help us by making a concerted effort to have your child at school and on time for the entire day.

We thank you in advance for your continued support of our school. If you would like to discuss this matter further, please contact us at school.


Nancy Murovec / Tom Ernst

Principal / Vice Principal

Read more about A Note from Your Principal & Vice Principal »

Minutes Now Available – Southwest Kitchener Secondary Boundary Study Working Group Meeting #5

The Southwest Kitchener Secondary Boundary Study Working Group met at Cameron Heights CI on Tuesday, February 19, 2019 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. The meeting agenda, presentation and approved minutes are now available. Agenda Presentation Minutes The working group will meet again on April 2, 2019 to continue to review and discuss scenarios. We encourage […]

Our Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is looking for new members – apply today

Our Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is looking for new members. They invite parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in one of our schools to apply. The fundamental fact is that parents + engagement = student success. Your involvement with PIC can help us optimize this equation. The mandate for this committee is to: Provide information and advice on parent […]

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