Apr 19 & 22 – Good Friday & Easter Monday – No School

Apr 23 to 26 – Earth Week Activities

Apr 24 – Terra Cotta Cookie Order Deadline

Apr 25 – JUMP (Grade 6) Parent Meeting & Arts Night at Sandhills

Apr 26 – Spirit Day – Blue/Green Day and Jump Rope for Heart Kick Off


A Safe and Happy Holiday Break

Staff at Sandhills would like to wish students/parents/caregivers a safe and happy holiday break. For more information on what you can do during the 4-day weekend might we suggest the City of Kitchener website, which includes upcoming events, information on parks and recreation and park trails to explore and enjoy the first signs of Spring.

City of Kitchener Events Page


Arts Night Update

We can’t wait for our Arts Night which is taking place on Thursday April 25th from 6:30-8:00pm. This is always a wonderful time to showcase the many talents of our incredible Sandhills Suns students.

Alongside this great event there will be a Parent/Guardian Information meeting about the Grade 6 JUMP trip from 6:00-6:30pm in the library.

Also in parallel with Arts Night there will be a workshop with our Walking School Bus Coordinator, Colleen Cooper. Information from 6:00-6:30pm – before our Arts Night becomes the focus. There will be door prizes and a limited number of free trees to plant as a takeaway and a thank you for your interest in the WSB program. Continuing from 6:30-7:00pm there will be a free flowing info session for folks who couldn’t make the workshop portion, or who just want to learn more. Colleen will be announcing some expanded routes, and answering questions about the roles of volunteers and walkers. Hope to see you there!


Landscaping at Sandhills

Sandhills Public School is looking to ‘freshen up’ the gardens at the main entrance and the front of the school and would like to commission a local company to help us realize our goal.

We are reaching out to our community to see if we have any Landscapers or Landscape Companies that would be interested in completing this job for us.

Sandhills is a proud supporter of local businesses and would love recommendations for a suitable company.

Please call the school if you have recommendations or a local business owner who might be interested. 519-744-4430.

Many thanks in advance for your help.


Earth Week Activities

As you know Earth Day this year is scheduled for Monday April 22 and so Sandhills will be partaking in a week long initiative to educate, inspire and motivate our students to protect our planet. There will be school-wide activities occurring throughout the week from Tuesday April 23rd – Friday April 26th. We would love to have as many of our students participating as possible. Please support your child with the following as best as you can.

Tuesday April 23rd, 2019

Lights-free Tuesday: Each class is challenged to conserve energy by turning off their lights. Can you do it for the entire day?

Wednesday April 24th, 2019

Walk to School Wednesday: How many students from your class walks to school during this day?

Thursday April 25th, 2019

Trashless Thursday: Students will be encouraged to bring a lunch stored in reusable containers. All organic matter can be composted when the students return home from school.

Friday April 26th, 2019

Blue and Green Earth Day Spirit Day (students and staff encouraged to wear blue and green). Also, Clean-up Friday: Classes will have the opportunity to clean our beautiful school yard. Thanks to our School Council, we have been equipped with garbage bags and gloves for all of our students to participate in a yard clean up.

We will have a spirit assembly and celebrate our accomplishments for Earth Week on Monday April 29th.


Spirit Wear Coming Soon

Sandhills is proud to announce that coming late April/early May students, parents/caregivers/families and staff will have the opportunity to purchase Sandhills’ branded spirit wear for the Summer/Fall. We have taken considerable time to ensure that our spirit wear is good quality and perfect for all the family. Ordering will be easy with a direct link to our supplier. In addition, our wonderful Grade 6 graduates will have the chance to purchase a T-shirt and/or Hoodie with ‘Class of 2019’ on the front and a design of signatures from their graduating year on the back.

This is a unique and practical way to remember their years at Sandhills; one which, we are sure, will be popular. Items for purchase will include (for staff and students): Hoodies, baseball shirts, t-shirts, sports pants, golf shirts, toques, baseball caps and sweatpants. As if that wasn’t enough, we are also including the opportunity to have your child’s first or last name placed on the back of your spirit wear t-shirt or hoodie. This is optional and will incur a small charge.

Keep a lookout on school-day and our website for more information. We will, of course, send notification to all parents/caregivers when the ordering website is up and running.


Umbrella Project

As we draw close to the end of our Autonomy month, we hope you have enjoyed connecting with your child about how they have incorporated Autonomy into their daily life. At the end of the month we shall be introducing Intrinsic Motivation at our assembly.

In the meantime, we thought you might be interested, if you have not yet visited the Umbrella Project’s website, to take a look at their blog page. This blog includes helpful tips on how to communicate with your child regarding all the traits we have learned so far and information to better understand how the traits guide and shape their overall well-being.

Umbrella Project Blog Page

Website: Umbrella Project Parent Resources

Twitter: @umbrellapjct

Facebook: The Umbrella Project