Jan 14 – Kindergarten Registration

Jan 15 – Safe Caring Inclusive School (SCIS) Team meeting.3-4pm Parent/ Community reps welcome

Jan 25 – PD Day

Jan 31 – Hobby Day (students may come dressed with accessories to represent something they do as a hobby/extracurricular or something that makes them happy).

Feb 6 – Walk to School Day and School Council will be here at the school to say Hi to parents and offer them a free cup of coffee.

Feb 7 – Beat the Winter Blahs dance. 6:30-8:30 pm. The cost is $2 a person up to a maximum of $10 for a family.

Feb 15 – Report Cards go home


ABC Family Literacy Day

Family Literacy Day® is a national awareness initiative created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999 and held annually on January 27to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family. January 27, 2019 is the 20th Anniversary of Family Literacy Day!

Taking time every day to read or do a learning activity with children is crucial to a child’s development, improving a child’s literacy skills dramatically, and can help a parent improve their skills as well. Please take a few minutes to visit the website to gain useful tips and learn about engaging activities you can do with your child.

ABC Life Literacy


5 Easy Ways to be an Eco-Parent

As parents and teachers, we wish to instil care, respect, and pride alongside the academic and social growth of our children. With 2019 came a renewed awareness of the impact of our carbon footprint on our planet. More companies are changing the way in which they produce and design products so that they can be biodegradable or sustainable, directly contrasting the plastic that infiltrates our water systems, oceans, and natural spaces. We invite you to share in our enthusiasm to make Sandhills an environmentally friendly school inside the classrooms and out.

Here are five easy ways that you can be a role model for your children:

1. Single-use plastics

2. Food

3. Second hand

4. Sign up for the walking school bus

5. Picking up garbage

More information and can be found at:

Sandhills Website


Umbrella Project

Welcome Back Sandhills’ students. January is Self-Compassion month and was introduced to the students at our assembly on their first day back after the break.

Check in with your student and ask them about Self-Compassion and the new Statements they are learning this month.

1) I show self-compassion by doing my best.

2) I show self-compassion by forgiving myself when I make mistakes.

3) I show self-compassion when I ask for help from others.