February 4th, 2016 – Weekly School-Day Update

  1. Kindergarten Registration

Appointments will be available between 9:00 am and 2:30 pm next week.

If your child currently attends Sandhills P.S. in JK, there is no need to register for SK, as this happens automatically at the school level.


  1. Family Valentine’s Celebration

Sandhills School Council presents an evening Valentine’s Celebration for families.  Friday February 5th come to this family dance featuring Professor Jamz and the Spin Machine.  This event is open to all families from JK to Grade Six. The dance will take place from 6:00pm until 9:00pm.  The admission fee is $2 per person.

Please note that parents must remain at the school with their children.

  1. Upcoming Dates

Feb 15 – Family Day Holiday, no school.

Feb 19 – Report Cards sent home with students

Feb 26 – Newly scheduled P.A. day, no school for students