What’s The Scoop? November 27th, 2015
November 27, 2015 – Weekly School-Day Update

Hello Sandhills Families,

Helpful hints for using School-Day:

Be sure to follow your purchase right through to receiving an order number.
To Make Payments: If you wish to pay cash, select the “WILL PAY CASH” button, then send exact change to the school with the order number attached. Please do not send cheques to the school. If you wish to pay online with a credit card, select the “CHECKOUT” button and complete the purchase.
Field Trips: be sure to give permission for your child to attend the trip AND complete the payment process all the way through to receiving an order number.

If you have questions about using School-Day, please call the school office at 519-744-4430.

1. Parking

As our school population continues to increase, so does the traffic congestion around the school area. To that end, our School Council has developed a Parking Subcommittee to start a conversation in addressing the traffic congestion and current parking situation. Student safety is our priority, so please remember that at entry and dismissal times, the school parking lot is unavailable to the community, with a few exceptions due to mitigating circumstances. Please respect the direction of our friendly parking lot attendants, whose role it is to keep our students safe. We ask that families kindly adhere to our parking lot attendants’ request not to enter/park in the school parking lot at the busiest times of the day (entry and dismissal). Thank you to all of those families respecting the parking lot guidelines, and special thanks to all of those families choosing to walk or carpool to school. This really helps to reduce the traffic and parking congestion.

2. Family Science Night – Thursday December 3rd 6:00 – 8:0pm

Students and their families are invited to a Family Science Night at Sandhills! Engineering Science Quest, from the University of Waterloo, will offer small-group workshops in several classrooms and a variety of interactive activities in the gym. Children and their parents will have the opportunity to experience hands-on science and engineering, and get excited about learning together!

3. Seasonal Concerts

‘Tis the season for the Sandhills Suns to shine. Concerts featuring students from Grade 1 through 6 will be held Tuesday December 8th at 1:45pm and Wednesday December 9th at 6:30pm. There will be a $1 admission fee with all proceeds going to our “Build a School in Kenya Campaign” Donations for our food drive would also be appreciated.

A concert featuring our kindergarten students will be held Thursday December 10th at 11:45am.

4. LaMontagne Chocolate Bar Fundraiser

Great selling so far, keep up the good work everyone. The campaign ends December 4th, 2015.